
China Advertising Market in H1 2015

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Affected by multiple factors,Taobao agent the advertising market in China in H1 2015 was mediocre which did not develop as expected.
China Advertising Market Jan 2013-June 2015
The overall advertising market in China in 2013 showed a growing trend, with a significant growth in the first half but slowed growth in the second half. In 2014, the slow growth trend continued. In H1 2015, China advertising market showed a decreasing trend apart from a slight increase in February 2015.
Ratio of Different Media’s Advertising Spend from 2011 to 2015
From different media types, magazine and broadcast advertising spends accounted for a relatively stable ratio. Newspaper advertising spends reduced slightly while TV advertising spends rose slightly. Television advertising still held an absolute leading position in the national advertising market.
Budget Changes of Major Media Advertising in H1 2015
In H1 2015, the ratio of TV advertising decreased by 4% compared with the same period last year while radio advertising increased by 9% year over year. Influenced by the popularization of online advertising and mobile advertising, spend on print media advertising continued to show negative growth; and newspaper media advertising spends dropped to 26%.
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