
Chinese and Australian movie-makers embrace collaboration

Boom times for China's movie box office are paving the way for international collaborations. And it's not just Hollywood that's getting on board. Australian film-makers are also contributing to the phenomenon, including special-effects storytellers.Taobao agent
You may not have heard of Sydney-based company Animal Logic, but there's a very good chance you've seen their work.
Animal Logic
Animal Logic's work "Happy Feet"
Animal Logic have gained an international reputation for their animation and special effects - the kind of reputation that's grabbed the attention of Chinese film-makers.
That's especially true in a country that's experiencing a box-office boom.
Such success at home is encouraging Chinese film-makers to enlist international expertise.
And there are other perks to filming down under.
There are also financial benefits for those overseas crews who chose to shoot here that go beyond the scenery, including government incentives and a relatively low Australian dollar.
Last month, Sydney's Chinese International Film Festival focused on bringing people from both countries together - to network and collaborate.

To help produce the kinds of movies that showcase the best of both countries.China Ebay

