
Scientists solve challenges of shipping equipment uphill

To stay or to leave? It is Doctor Rodrigo's call. He has been testing everyone's oxygen levels and heart rate every morning to check whether they are fit enough to work io the expedition.wholesale jerseys

"It usually takes three days to get adapted. We are actually on the third day, so things are getting better. People are sleeping more. So far so good," he said.

"The appetite, each day, is getting better than the first day," said Ivan Lavrentyev, associate fellow of Russian Academy of Science.

"So far, it is not very hard work for us. But it will be higher. In a couple of weeks, I believer it will be a peak," said Victor Zagorodnov, associate professor of Ohio State University.

Scientists and porters faced a big challenge when they ship the equipment from the base camp to the drilling sites.
After a heated discussion, the team agreed to try the mountain guide's solution.

"I just want to demonstrate that if we use mechanical advantage, we can pull that truck up there," said Jose Antonio Castaneda Gil, mountain guide.

They found a support point on the ice surface next to the hilltop, then fixed a crampon on it, and passed a rope through it. Team members could then pull the rope down on one end, and lift the snowmobile up on the other.

But the operation has very limited time.

"The temperature is rising as it is approaching noon. The ice will melt, and the crampons won't be able to grip. We need to hurry up," said Zhao Huabiao, associate fellow, Chinese academy of sciences.

Getting the snow-mobiles to the ice surface means scientists will be able to travel between the glacier 's edge and the drilling points freely. It's a milestone for the expedition, but what awaits them on the glacier is anyone's guess. wholesale jerseys from china

