
China seeks to expand use of robots

The World Robot Conference 2015 opened in Beijing Monday. Scholars from around the world are discussing the use of robots in both industry and society. Meanwhile, there is a special exhibition where visitors can have a closer look at industrial and service robots.wholesale jerseys
Robots that can serve as waiters are demonstrated during the World Robot Conference in Beijing, capital of China, Nov. 23, 2015. (Xinhua/Jin Liwang)
Experts divide robotics into industrial and service robots. In terms of industrial use, a quarter of global sales are created in China. Fifty-seven thousand industrial robots were sold in China last year, an increase of 55 percent from the year before.

Ha Enjing, Director of Siasun Robot & Automation, said:"Ninety percent of clients were from the auto industry in the past. But now our clients are much more diversified, from petrochemical, shipbuilding, food processing. So I think manufacturing in China is becoming more automatic."
Visitors watch a carrier robot during the World Robot Conference in Beijing, capital of China, Nov. 23, 2015. (Xinhua/Jin Liwang)
Visitors watch a carrier robot during the World Robot Conference in Beijing, capital of China, Nov. 23, 2015. (Xinhua/Jin Liwang)
The Chinese government is drafting a plan to boost China’s robot development in key manufacturing fields, and to improve their capacity to produce high-end robots independently. One example is this robotic arm, assembled in a satellite. A satellite can use the hand to refuel, repair, or even defend itself from debris and fragments flying through space.
"It's functionally similar to any industrial robot that we can see on the ground, but because it needs to work in outer space, it requires much more. How to prevent cosmic radiation, how to keep it stable when it operates in a gravity-free environment, are key parts of our research," said Hu Haidong, Senior Engineer China Academy of Space Technology.
Robotic experts believes that robots can do more. They will get closer to your everyday life. So close they will even end up under your skin.
Gao Yuanqian, PHD of Tianjin University, said:"Robots can finish the mission that a surgeon cannot. The robotic arm can perfectly repeat a doctor's move, and meantime intelligently eliminate the trembling of a doctor's hand, in a very limited space like an abdominal cavity."

But like Doctor Gao said, there are just 30 surgery robotics like this across China. Everything is just getting started here. wholesale jerseys from china

