
How Wechat Users Search For Public Accounts taobao agnet www.timtao.com

how wechat users search for public accounts
Wechat social marketing value had risen quickly since the launch of Wechat 5.0, China Ebay an increasing number of enterprises laid emphasis on Wechat marketing. Quite a lot of third-party developers transferred their focus from Weibo to Wechat platform, catering to the growing demands of Wechat official account management.
But, how did Wechat users search for public accounts?
According to CNNIC, five major ways of searching a Wechat official account were: keyword, QR code scanning, friend recommendation, friend circle sharing and Weibo enterprise account. Wechat users tended to search actively rather than passively, to avoid information noise.
When users search for their interested keywords, though it seems to meet consumers needs the best, they will probably still  be stuck with two exceptions. One is that the extension of keyword is too wide, too many search results increased users’ sunk cost. The other is that the keyword is too exact to have any search result. Therefore, how to name your Wechat official account is tactical, as well as tricky.
First, avoid using uncommon words and find short, memorable words to be your account name. Second, try to make your account rank top in the automatic search and optimize your keyword match types. Wechat official platform only provides a search box for public accounts, giving the initiative totally to Wechat users. With better user experience, Wechat grasps their hearts in this information explosion era.
When users browse friend circle, they could share their interested content to their friend circle, and send it to their friends or check the public account. Wechat official accounts get propagandized during dissemination. Content marketing becomes crucial in Wechat social marketing, you will lose the trust from Wechat subscribers if all you have is intriguing or misleading title.
Unlike keyword, QR code, friend recommendation and friend circle sharing these four methods, around 30% Wechat users would enter Weibo enterprise accounts name in Wechat official account search box. One advice for active Weibo enterprise accounts which plan to register Wechat official accounts is to be consistent in your account name. Taobao If you want to be creative in your Wechat official account name, you would make your Weibo followers at a loss searching for your Wechat official account.

